Multipoints generally operate in the same way regardless of the type or number of locking points. They can be simple rollers or large hooks and bolts or any combination. The most common is operated by lifting the handle which operates the locking points, then the whole system is locked into position with the turn of the key in the cylinder, commonly known as the barrel.
UPVC door mechanisms are produced by a number of manufacturers and in many more variations and styles. However, the principle in the way they all work is pretty much the same.
Firstly, it should be noted that these types of locks known as multi point locking mechanisms are also sometimes found in wooden composite doors and not just UPVC. When mechanisms in composite doors go wrong in the closed and locked position, it can cause other specific problems.
Most of the time there will be obvious signs that the system or part of the system is going to fail. Do not leave it until it does. To do so is costly and can result in damage to the surrounding frame, as fixing it will be harder. Here are the signs and symptoms to look out for:
The Handle becomes hard to operate, requires that extra pressure at the end
The Handle has become loose and floppy, or spins
These signs can mean a number of things. It could be as simple as the door alignment has been effected or as serious as the internal working parts have broken or seized or a fault lies in the locking cylinders themselves. It is advisable to have a professional like Titan Locksmiths and Security assess your door as catching any problems in the early stages is cheaper and simpler to correct.